Thursday 230511
Day 4 Thursday 230511 Happy Birthday Coach Dan! A. AMRAP 26:00 3:00 row/ski/bike 400m run 1:00 rest B. Yoga
Day 4 Thursday 230511 Happy Birthday Coach Dan! A. AMRAP 26:00 3:00 row/ski/bike 400m run 1:00 rest B. Yoga
Day 3 Wednesday 230510 A. AMRAP 3:00 3 burpees 5 bjsd nte 24/20 7 kbs 24/16 Rest 2:00 then B B. AMRAP 7:00 3 burpees 5 bjsd nte 24/20 7 kbs 24/16 9 squat cleans 115/85 Rest 3:00 then C C. AMRAP 14:00 3 burpees 5 bjsd nte 24/20 7 kbs 24/16 9 squat
Day 2 Tuesday 230509 A1. 10, 7, 5 Back squats, rest to 1:30 then A2 A2. 10 alt db z press, rest to 3:00 then A3 A3. 30sec strict/weighted pulling reps, rest to 5:00 back to A1 x 3 Rest to 17:00 B. 1 set every 2:00 x 5 30sec FLR + 5 burpees
Day 1 Monday 230508 Happy Birthday Coach Lily! A.1 set every 3:00 x 10 Snatch grip DL + hang squat snatch + squat snatch OR Clean grip DL + hang squat clean thruster + squat clean thruster AND choose 2 movements, alternate every other round 5-8: Hspu or Mu/c2b/pu or Bjsd 46: DU or
Day 5 Friday 230505 A. EMOM 8:00 DB snatch ladder 2 alt DB power snatches Rest to 10:00 then B B. EMOM 5:00 Death by T2B or GHD 2, 3, or 4 reps EMOM Increase each minute by first minute rep choice Rest 3:00 then C C. AMRAP 12:00 80% effort 250m row or
Day 4 Thursday 230504 Olympic Lifting 5:30pm A. 10 sets 90sec 90% aerobic effort 45 sec rest B. Yoga
Day 3 Wednesday 230503 Repeat 220426 Heavy MAPs session Barbell nte 155/105 Kettlebell nte 32/24kg A. AMRAP 5:00 9 deadlifts 6 hang power cleans 3 sh2oh Rest 2:30 then B B. AMRAP 5:00 12-9-6-3 KBS Wallballs T2b Rest 2:30 then C C. AMRAP 5:00 3 squat clean thrusters 10 BMU or 20 pull-ups Rest
Day 2 Tuesday 230502 A1. 10, 7, 5 bench press, rest to 1:30 then A2. A2. 3 tempo Goblet RFESS each leg 3331, rest to 3:00 then A3. A3. 30sec strict pulling reps, rest to 5:00 then back to A1 x 3 Rest to 17:00 B. 500m row/ski for time 100% effort Rest to