210427 Tuesday

Day 2
WOD 210427

Warm-up – Coach’s Choice

Choose a squat to train & load… Back, Front, Overhead
A1. 10 loaded squats… rest to top of minute, then A2
A2. EMOM 2:00 – 50 double unders/100 singles
Rest to 5:00, then B
B1. 8 loaded squats… rest to top of minute, then B2
B2. EMOM 2:00 – 7-10 burpees
Rest to 10:00, then C
C1. 6 loaded squats… rest to top of minute, then C2
C2. EMOM 4:00
Evens – 50 double unders/100 singles
Odds – 7-10 burpees
Rest to 20:00, then D
D. AMRAP 10:00 @ 90% effort
5 pull-ups
10 hrpu
15 air squats
E. post WOD recovery

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