Day 1
WOD 210607
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 12:00… barbell load(ing) is Athlete’s Choice
1) 5 deadlifts
2) 5 power cleans
3) 5 front squats
4) 5 push jerks
Rest 3:00 after last set of EMOM, then B
B1. 3:00 – Pull-up Cluster… (pull-up options: ctb, chin over bar, jumping)
3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. 3, rest 10sec @ dots… rest until time expires, then B2
B2. 4:00 – EMOM
4 bjsd + 2 squat clean thrusters
(bjsd options: 30”, 24”, 20”, med ball step-ups… barbell @ 100% of A)
Rest 1:00 after last set of EMOM, then back to B1, x 2
C. post WOD recovery