Day 2
WOD 210622
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. Farmer’s carry the front sidewalk loop (200m)… rest to 5:00 on timer, then A2
A2. 3 x 90sec of work, 90sec of rest
Work = 150m/135m row + max burpees over rower until time expires… rest 3:30 after 3rd set of work, then B1
B1. 400m sandbag/med ball carry… rest to 5:00 on timer, then B2
B2. 3 x 90sec work, 90sec of rest
Work = sprint to curb and back (left out of loading dock) + wall balls until time expires… no rest b/t 3rd set of B2 & C
C. Cash-out = Farmer’s carry the loop again!
D. post WOD recovery