Day 3
WOD 210630
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
On a continuous running clock of 30:00… complete the following workload
A. @ 0:00… 1 set @ 80-90% effort
200m overhead plate carry… load is athlete’s choice
1:00 SB (R)
1:00 SB (L)
1:00 FLR
B. @ 10:00… 1 set @ 80-90% effort
200m farmer’s carry… load is athlete’s choice
1:00 wall sit
1:00 inversion hold – OR – FLR
1:00 bar hang – OR – straight arm support in rings
C. @ 20:00… 1 set @ 80-90% effort
400m sandbag/med ball carry
1:00 overhead plate hold
1:00 farmer’s carry hold
1:00 SB (R)
1:00 SB (L)
1:00 FLR
D. post WOD recovery