Day 5
WOD 210716
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 15:00
1) 10 half kneeling db curl & press (right knee down, right arm working)
2) 10 half kneeling db curl & press (left knee down, left arm working)
3) 8-10 db single arm row each arm
4) AMRAP 45sec – step ups w/curl & press db
5) 45sec wall sit
Rest 5min, then B
B. Thank You Coach Colin!
Complete workload for time
15cal – apparatus of choice
12 pull-ups (jumping or kipping only, no rings)
9 burpee box jump up and over (24”/20”)
12 pull-ups
12 pull-ups
9 burpee box jump up and over
C. post WOD recovery