Day 3
WOD 220504
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 5 loaded RFESS each leg… rest to top of minute, then A2
A2. 6 seated dual dumbbell shoulder press… rest to 3:00, then back to A1, x 4
Rest 3min after 4th set, then B
B. Execute workload @ high intensity… dumbbells nte 50/35 each arm
Dual db hang clean & jerks
Execute 5 burpee box jump overs after each set (24”/20”)
Rest to 7:30, then C
C. Execute workload @ high intensity… dumbbells nte 50/35 each arm
Dual dumbbell thrusters
Execute 5 burpee box jump overs after each set (24”/20”)
D. post WOD recovery