Day 2
WOD 220906
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 6-8 CGBP rest to 1:30 then A2
A2. 6-8 dual db deadlifts, rest :30 then A3
A3. 6-8 squat jumps for height, to a target, rest to 4:00 then A1 x 3
Rest an additional 3:00
B. AMRAP 12:00
6 box jump overs 24/20
5/5 DB power clean nte 55/40
5/5 DB sh2oh
3 wall climbs
C. Immediately at 12:00 400m recovery jog
NOTES: A1 and 2 build each round to a challenging, no fail, weight. A3 stand next to a rig post and tap your hands as high as you can!