130930 Monday

Day 1
WOD 130930

time domain – 10:00
250m row (and/or 200m run depending on time of day and your safety)
15 hrb
30 double unders (90 singles)
the 10:00 time domain to accumulate as much work as possible of the
movements listed above… treating it as a warm-up, not as a WOD.  Your
tempo should allow you to move from one movement to the next, in any
order, without having to stop and catch your breath.

rest/stretch 5:00

AMRAP in 5:00 of:
12 deadlifts – L1, 135/95 – L2, 185/125 – Rx’d, 225/155
8 box jumps w/step down – 24”/20”

rest 5:00

6 rounds for time of:
5 pull-ups
10 hrpu
15 squats
20 double unders (60 singles)