210529 Saturday
Day 6WOD 210529 WOD – Coach’s Choice Fitness Outside of the Shed…
Day 5WOD 210528 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 5:003 unbroken hand squat cleans… build as you goRest to 10:00, then BB. AMRAP 20:00 @ 90% effort… barbell @ 100% of A*1 squat clean2 rope climbs (x 2 floor to standing)200m run12 t2b*add 1 rep each round!C. post WOD recovery
Day 4WOD 210527Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD A. AMRAP 20:00 @ 90% aerobic effort… row/bike/ski, x 2 bike erg500m. 400m. 300m. 200m. 100m. 200m. 300m. 400m. 500mRest 30sec @ dotsB. post WOD recovery
Day 3WOD 210526 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Unbroken Power Cleans – 6. 6. 6. 6. 6.Execute 3-5 wall climbs @ dots(6 upc + dots every 3min… build to 6RM)Rest 5min after 5th set, then BB. AMRAP 12:00 @ 80-90% effort20 shoulder to overhead… nte 75/5530sec FLR50 double unders (x2 singles)30sec wall sitC. post WOD recovery
Day 2WOD 210525 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. EMOM 10:00Evens – 30sec strict/weighted push-upsOdds – 30sec strict/weighted pulling repsNo rest b/t A&BB. Farmer’s carry the sidewalk loop (200m)@ 15:00 on timer, start CC. 100 wall balls for timeNo rest b/t C&DD. Farmer’s carry the sidewalk loop (200m)No rest b/t D& EE. 1000m for time… row/ski,