201223 Wednesday
Day 3WOD 201223
Day 2WOD 201222 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 4 x 250m row every 2minRest to 10:00, then BB. 3. 3. 3. 3. – touch-n-go power cleans… build bar if appropriate… clean every 3min15 wall balls @ dotsRest to 22:00, then CC. 4 x 250m row every 2minD. post WOD recovery
Day 1WOD 201221Repeat WOD 181221, WOD 131221 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. “Happy Birthday Coach J9”3 rounds for time of:12 thrusters21 pull-ups75 double unders L1 – anything under 135/95 for thrusters and if you cannot do double unders, sub it with 45 burpeesRx’d – 135/95SK – 135/95 + perform 45 burpees at the end of
Day 1WOD 201221Repeat WOD 181221, WOD 131221 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. “Happy Birthday Coach J9”3 rounds for time of:12 thrusters21 pull-ups75 double unders L1 – anything under 135/95 for thrusters and if you cannot do double unders, sub it with 45 burpeesRx’d – 135/95SK – 135/95 + perform 45 burpees at the end of
Week of 201221 Preview Read More »
Day 5WOD 201218 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice Chipper Friday!Goal of today’s training is to choose the movements that you love… don’t get stuck!A. Complete workload @ 90% effort200 double unders – OR – 50 bjsd30 hang squat snatch – OR – 30 hang squat clean… nte 75/5550 wall balls50cal row/ski50 t2b30 ohs – OR – 30 front