Monday 230130
Day 1 Monday 230130 A. 1 Set every 3:00 x 5 5 deadlifts 5 bar facing burpees Build barbell every round Rest 5:00 then B B. AMRAP 10:00 100 singles 20 ring rows 10 lateral box step up and overs nte 24
Day 1 Monday 230130 A. 1 Set every 3:00 x 5 5 deadlifts 5 bar facing burpees Build barbell every round Rest 5:00 then B B. AMRAP 10:00 100 singles 20 ring rows 10 lateral box step up and overs nte 24
RedShed Rest Day Check out the weekly preview through the members’ SLACK channel. Email Coach McShawn for the link. WODs will continue to be posted daily on the blog.
Day 5 Friday 230127 A1. 4 TGU light to moderate load rest to 1:30 then A2 A2. 5 sit-ups + 5 hrpu + 5 air squats, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 3 Rest 5:00 then B B. AMRAP 15:00 Open WOD 19.1 19 Wallball shots 20# 10’, 14# 9” 19 calorie
Day 4 Thursday 230126 Olympic Lifting 5:30pm A. Aerobic Intervals 9:00 row/bike/ski/run 3:00 rest 9:00 row/bike/ski/run
Day 3 Wednesday 230125 A. EMOM 12:00 Max box jump (step down) over 24/20 T2b cluster 3-5.3-5.3-5 rest :10 at dot Max distance on bike or ski Max burpee deadlift DB nte 50/35 Rest 4:00 then repeat
Day 2 Tuesday 230124 9:00am class will be treated like Open Gym 5:30pm regular WOD A. AMRAP 25:00 10/10 overhead walking lunges 40/25 5 lateral burpee over DB with 2 hops 5 pull-up, c2b, mu 20 GHD or weighted sit-up 40 DU/ 80 singles
Day 1 Monday 230123 A1. 3 Tempo back squats 33X1, rest TOM then A2 A2. 1:00 front rack hold (stone, sandbag, or dual DB/KB off the shoulders) Rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 3 Rest 3:00 after 3rd set then B B. 5 sets 1:00 shuttle run 1:00 rest Rest an additional
RedShed Rest Day Check out the weekly preview through the members’ SLACK channel. Email Coach McShawn for the link. WODs will continue to be posted daily here on the blog.
Day 5 Friday 230120 OPEN REPEAT DAY A. EMOM 9:00 :30 side bridge :30 side bridge :30 FLR Rest 2:00 then B B. AMRAP 6:00 Row/bike/ski for distance* * E2MOM 3 sit-up + 3 hrpu + 3 air squats Rest 3:00 then C C. AMRAP 10:00 Open WOD 11.4 60 bar facing burpees 30 OHS