Thursday 230119
Day 4 Thursday 230119 Olympic Lifting 5:30pm A. Aerobic Intervals 5 sets 3:00 row/bike/ski/run :90 active restB. Yoga
Day 4 Thursday 230119 Olympic Lifting 5:30pm A. Aerobic Intervals 5 sets 3:00 row/bike/ski/run :90 active restB. Yoga
Day 3 Wednesday 230118 REPEAT 200928 191213 A. 1 set every 3:00 x 10 12 kbs 24/26kg 9 wallballs 6 t2b 3 high bjsd
Day 2 Tuesday 230117 Competition Training 5:30pm A. 5 sets 1:00 8 renegade rows + wall sit to TOM 1:00 rest 1:00 :30 farmers carry + max jump rope to TOM 1:00 rest 1:00 8 dual DB deadlift + max weighted Russian twists to TOM 1:00 rest
Day 1 Monday 230116 A. EMOM 8:00 3-5 Ring MU progressions 6-10 pistols or pistol progressions Rest 3:00 then B B. AMRAP 20:00 1:30 apparatus :30 handstand or feet elevated plank or FLR 16 alt DB power snatches nte 40/25 4: lunge + lunge + burpee SCORE= distance on the rower
Day 5 Friday 230113 Open WOD 21.1 A EMOM 9:00 3 sit-ups + 3 hrpu + 3 air squats 150m row ski :30 hollow body hold Rest to 15:00 B For time 15:00 cap 1 wall walk 10 du/singles 3 wall walk 30 du/singles 6 wall walk 60 du/singles 9 wall walk 90 du/singles
Day 4 Thursday 230112 Olympic Lifting 5:30pm A. 6 Sets 1:30 row/bike/ski/run 1:30 skill work of choice 1:00 rest
Day 3 Wednesday 230111 Build your gymnastics, DB weight, and box height each piece as appropriate A. AMRAP 6:00 4 rr/jumping pull-ups/pull-ups 6 alt DB hang clean & jerks nte 50/35 10 bjsd nte 20” Rest 4:00 then B B. AMRAP 6:00 4 jumping pull-up/PU/C2B 6 alt DB hang clean & Jerk 10 bjsd
Day 2 Tuesday 2301010 A. 1 power clean every :90 x 6 Build to a heavy single Rest 5:00 then B B. For time capped at 8:00 30 power cleans at 90% of A Rest 5:00 then C C. For time AFAP barbells nte 135/95 10 sh20h… 5t2b 8…4 6…3 4…2 2…1