221119 Saturday
Day 6 WOD 221119 WOD – Coach's Choice Fitness Outside of the Shed…
Day 5Friday 221118 A. 1 complex every 1:30 x 51 deadlift2 hang power cleans3 thrustersRest 3:00, then BB. AMRAP 20:00 100% of A*1 squat clean thruster3 wall climbs5 MU/7 c2b/ 9 pull-ups kipping or jumping400m run*increase by 1 each round
Day 4Thursday 221117 Aerobic IntervalsA. AMRAP 20:00DistanceEvery 500m/1000m bike do a :45 core hold
Day 3Wednesday 221116 A. Tabata MASH UP8 roundsJump ropeHRPU… hold FLR in the :10Rest 2:00, then BB. Tabata MASH UP8 roundsDB snatches 50/35GHD or Ab-mat sit-upsRest 2:00, then CC. Tabata MASH UPAir Squats… hold bottom of squat in the :10Ring Rows
Day 2Tuesday 221115 A. AMRAP 3:00Max distance row/bike/skiRest 3:00, then BB. 1 set every 3:00 x 5 90% effort3-5 Single arm DB Power Clean3-5 Single arm DB sh2ohOverhead carry down3-5 Single arm DB Power Clean3-5 Single arm DB sh2ohOverhead carry back3-5 burpees over DBRest 3:00, then CC. Repeat distance from A
Programming Week of 221114 Day 1Monday 221114 A1. 3 Overhead Squats, rest to 1:30A2. 5 Front Squats, rest to 3:00A3. 7 Back Squats, rest to 4:30 then back to A1 x 2Rest as needed, then BB. For Time… capped @ 15:00Buy-in : 20 bjsd10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1… t2b1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10… wall ballsCash-out: 20 kbs (24kg/16kg)
Day 5OPEN HOUSEFriday 221111 A. EMOM 30:001. 10 BJSD 24/20 or 10 weighted step ups2. Max rr/pu/c2b/mu3. :30 max DU/singles, :30 rest4. Max kettlebell swings 24/165. Rest
Day 4Thursday 221110 Aerobic Intervals & Yoga5:30 Olympic Lifting 10:00 work5:00 rest10:00 work