221010 Monday
Week of 22.10.10 Day 1221010 Monday A. 1 set every 3:00 x 1010 kbs 24/16kg*8 calories row/ski *calories increase by 2 each round. If capped out, remain on the row/ski until time expires.
Week of 22.10.10 Day 1221010 Monday A. 1 set every 3:00 x 1010 kbs 24/16kg*8 calories row/ski *calories increase by 2 each round. If capped out, remain on the row/ski until time expires.
Day 5WOD 221007 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A For Time100 calories – Athlete’s Choice75 Russian kbs 24/16kg50 wallballs… 30 double unders – OR – 5 burpees every stop or drop75 Russian kbs100 caloriesB. post WOD recovery
Day 4WOD 221006Aerobic Repeats + Flexibility Training A. Choose an apparatus and work @ 90% effort5:00 work…2:30 rest3:00 work…1:30 rest1:00 work…1:30 rest3:00 work…2:30 rest5:00 workB. Flexibility Training Happy Wedding Day Coaches Katie & Shaun!!!
Day 3WOD 221005 A. EMOM 8:001) 10 Empty barbell curls2) 6 ½ kneeling press each armRest 2:00, then BB. EMOM 8:001) 30sec Hollowbody hang2) 6 Dual DB power cleansRest 2:00, then CC. 1 set every 2:00 x 55 burpees AFAPHeavy sled push downD. post WOD recovery
Day 2WOD 221004 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. Split Jerks 5×31 set every 2:00 build to find 3RMRest 3:00, then BB. AMRAP 20:00200m Run10 medBall clean wallball 20# 10’/ 14# 9’10 ring rows10 medball sit-ups 20/14C. post WOD recovery
Day 1WOD 221003 Warm-up – Coach’s Choice A. 1 set every 3:00 x 53 man makers5 dual DB. DeadliftsFarmer’s Carry down and backRest 3:00, then BB. 5-7 Sets 12:00 Cap 90% effort10 Calories7 T2BC. post WOD recovery ShedHead Spotlight: Anamika Click here to read her story!
When did you first find CrossFit? A year before I turned 40, in February of 2020. Why was your motivation to start? I wanted to try and be healthier and get stronger so I can be there for my son for as long as possible. Also, my husband has MS and is in a
ShedHead Spotlight: Anamika Read More »