Competing and Competition
It is an inherent part of CrossFit, and your daily life…
I realize many of you suppress your competitive nature, so it is time to re-evaluate competition and how it relates to you everyday…
Do a little research and study what CrossFit is really about. It is the Sport of Fitness, yes… but ultimately it comes down to getting better…. not just getting better at pull-ups and double unders, but getting better at life.
Take “Fran” for instance (or any 21-15-9 for that matter)…
Where is the roadblock? The 15’s right? Hello competition!
Will getting the 15’s unbroken make it easier for you to stay away from those cookies? No, but it should! …and if it doesn’t, you need to start making the analogy a reality!
Win the competition in the gym, win it in life!
What we do in the shed is hard. It takes discipline, heart, strong will and determination… the same qualities it takes to eat clean, do the right thing and treat others they way you want to be treated.
We aren’t just becoming healthy, attractive athletes… we are contributing to the world by becoming better people (who happen to look awesome naked!)
I write this today because I am constantly reminded (by all of you) how positive CrossFit has been in my life, and how CrossFit and all of you have helped me become a better person.
So compete to win, everyday, in the gym… and in life!