Conquer the Theory of Limitations… Be an Ambassador – cpj 150726

When we are presented with a challenge, our brains provide initial limitations based on our previous experiences.  We are put into a box of perception regarding results and reactions.  Thoughts like "I can't do that"… "It's not possible"… "There's no way", become the mantras that establish your limitations… limitations you and I create for ourselves.

But what happens when the negative mantra is broken?

What happens when the challenges are met with open-mindedness?

What results from the "what if?" approach?

Answer:  You conquer the theory of limitations!  You go above and beyond what you thought was possible.  You accomplish things that seemed to be out of the realm of possibility for you.  But… it takes a belief system of positive self-talk, awareness of the present moment and a vision of the bigger picture.

You can conquer your theory of limitations and step outside of the box you put yourself in each day.  It doesn't have to happen in the gym, but it often does… and it's a great example of what you can accomplish in all aspects of your life!!

When you have awareness and start to see the bigger picture, it opens the door to becoming an ambassador!

Fitness is a fascinating tool to influence an individual's health metrics, self-esteem, personal confidence and achievement of goals.  What makes it fascinating for me is that it's relative… it's personal… there's a level of fulfillment that science makes almost spiritual!  Fitness can come in many shapes, sizes and formats… yet there is no true answer of what is the absolute best approach or choice for everyone; because it's relative… it's personal… and sometimes emotional and spiritual in nature.

You cannot discount or diminish what fitness can do for everyone… whether it's running, cycling, zumba, spinning, boot camps, power lifting, Olympic lifting or CrossFit… those personal pursuits are having an impact on people in a very positive way; in mind, body and spirit.  That stuff makes people feel good, it's fun, and most importantly it is providing fulfillment. 

As a CrossFitter for many years, I have come to understand how it (CrossFit) fits into the bigger picture… how it is a valuable piece of the puzzle for me and many others I have had the privilege to coach, mentor and become acquainted.  Instead of scoffing at someone's approach to fitness because it's not the same as mine, I feel happy and excited for them because it's working for them… it has nothing to do with me, and I can't let my emotional attachment to my approach to fitness influence how I interact with people who don't subscribe to my process or approach.

Every individual is different, every CrossFit gym is different… and that's what makes life fun and interesting.

Being an ambassador…

When you are around family and friends, don't preach CrossFit as a means to an end!  Instead, be aware of where people are right now, and be happy that they are doing something that makes them feel good… even if it's not CrossFit or if it is, but at a different gym.

When you are at a competition, be an ambassador of fitness in our community!  Say hi, give hugs instead of hairy eyeballs!  Be open and aware that everyone's approach is different, and be happy we are at least sharing a passion for fitness… even if it's only a shred of a thread of passion!

It has been my experience (especially over the past 2 years) that things are changing.  There are more competitions than people, and the competitions are getting harder and less "competitive".  In addition, there is a level of "our gym is better than yours" attitude within a community that used to pride itself on the concept of open-mindedness and brotherly love!  There's a lot less hugs (genuine, sincere hugs) and a lot more hairy eyeballs!

So knowing what I know, I vow to remain an ambassador of fitness; and to remain a pillar within our growing community.  My plan is to tour all of the local affiliates as an athlete, in an attempt to attain a greater appreciation for the different styles and techniques other coaches and owners use to conquer the theory of limitations of their clients.

When my tour is over… I will be back on the Coach's Blog to relay my experiences!  All of the gyms I visit will remain anonymous, out of respect for the bigger picture… but the info will be raw and exact!  Perhaps this will be my first attempt at publication???  Who knows???

Thanks for listening, reading and for providing your comments!  I won't be posting until the end of the summer… see you then!!





1 thought on “Conquer the Theory of Limitations… Be an Ambassador – cpj 150726”

  1. Good insight CPJ. I have witnessed both sides of this at the few competitions I have attended. Generally people are welcoming and encouraging. But it only takes one sour apple to ruin it. Emotions will get the best of us and we have all fallen into a “drag me down” spiral at one point. Whether it’s a missed lift or falling short a few seconds behind your personal best time, it happens.
    I turn to my family at the Shed and see how far we all have progressed in our quests in fitness and it makes it all worth it; the downs and the ups. I am so proud to be witness to the comradery and closeness that bonds us and lifts each other up when needed.
    Shed-icated + <3 = GREATNESS
    I look forward to hearing your findings at the other boxes and their dynamic.

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