It has blasted on to the scene…
Articles from Coaches around the world
I have seen a lot change in the past 5 years… and the one thing that seems to be radiating are the cries about good coaching and good programming. I read the articles and saw the posts.
Here’s the deal…
I read an article written by a CrossFit Coach who was trying to warn people… or mabye a better word would be “persuade” people to choose the right CrossFit box for them. He gave many examples of what an inexperienced box would do, how they would program and coach… and as I continued to read, it got me thinking…
How did he get started?
Was he born with the God-given gift of programming workouts that never lead to injuries?
Was he automatically good at coaching all of the essential movments of CrossFit and life, without having to practice or experience failure?
MMmmm… probably not!
I’m guessing he had a few of his athletes go out on their own and start a gym down the street from his… or maybe some folks went through his “essentials” and went on to start a gym using all of his “stuff”. Now he has a need to protect himself.
Sound familiar?
What I am learning, as a CrossFitter who happens to co-own and co-coach… is that you just can’t throw those stones without casting that same judgement on yourself first. Keep your house in order, and let those who want to make judgements have their way. It’s OK.
We don’t need to scare people to guide them to us instead of them. Due diligence is on the part of the consumer and the provider. Our Coaches wear the shoes and the hats that come with the territory. They are educated in the services they provide, and they know what it’s like to be in your shoes and wear your hats.