Day 1
Monday 230403
A1. 8 dual DB deadlifts, rest TOM then A2
A2. 5 CGBP, rest to TOM then A3
A3. Strict Pulling
Set 1: Max unbroken strict pull-ups nte 12 (overhand grip) or ring rows nte 15
Set 2 & 3: match reps from set 1 in a few sets as possible
Rest to 4:00 back to A1 x3
Rest an additional 2:00 then B
B. 50 wallballs for time 4:00 cap
Rest 3:00 then C
C. EMOM 9:00 nte 50/35 same core hold for all 9:00
- 20sec core hold + AMRAP DB alt power snatches in time remaining
- 20sec core hold + AMRAP DB alt devil’s press in time remaining
- 20sec core hold + AMRAP DB alt hang clean and jerk