Please accept my apology for evolving to the point where use of the whiteboard for scoring has become rather ambiguous. For the record, I never said you shouldn’t post your times or scores… after all, you did the work, and those times and scores are yours. “Yours”. The whiteboard is still hanging on the wall for you to use, so go ahead and use it… but write your scores and times down in your logbook too, please… scores won’t be posted online.
Now, I have heard all of the grumblings about the whiteboard… so let me shed some light on the subject in a way you might understand…
The whiteboard is what has allured many of you into CrossFit… me as well. Here is what I have learned over the past 7 years… take it for what it is worth…
- Someone will always be better than me at something
- Many women are stronger and faster than me, and I am OK with that!
- Comparing myself to others leads to vanity and/or bitterness, both of which are not ingredients for ultimate wellness in mind, body and spirit.
- Being too concerned about someone else’s interpretation of movement standards, or taking time out of my training to count someone else’s reps is time better spent on making myself better.
- People cheat… it’s shitty, but true
- A bad day in the gym is not the end of the world… I am much more than an athlete… I am a Husband, Father, Friend & Coach
- We are just exercising, right? (see #1, #2, #3, #4, #5)
- In this CrossFit World, people are not always going to agree with everything I do as a business owner, and as a Coach. Open-mindedness is something that needs to be trained, just like your squat!
- Honesty is the best policy… true story! Be honest with yourself, and amazing things happen after that, with you and everyone around you. You must be willing to judge yourself before casting judgment unto others.
- Always refer back to #7…
Yours in Fitness,