Outdoor/Parking Lot Fitness Class Project
A. Initial 2 week trial, starting Monday June 1st
1. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
2. 6 Classes per day
2a. 3 Morning Sessions… 6:30am, 8:00am, 9:30am
2b. 1 Lunch Session… 12:00pm
2c. 2 Evening Sessions… 5:30pm, 7:00pm (Monday & Wednesday ONLY…No Evening Sessions on Fridays)
B. 60min Sessions
1. Members responsible to bring equipment to class
2. No barbells will be used for outdoor classes
3. Programming will be separate from Daily WOD/Zoom WOD
4. Members do not have to return rowers during 2 week trial period
C. ZenPlanner
1. Classes capped @ 12 members
2. Members can only sign up 24hr in advance
2a. No advanced sign-up
2b. Sign up is mandatory
Format & Protocol
A. Training Spaces
1. 10 training spaces will be designated in the loading dock and 2 in the single parking space (if needed)
2. Exiting and Entering training areas will be designed to maintain social distancing guidelines
3. Face coverings are not required for training, but encouraged as courtesy in situations where 6ft distancing cannot be met.
B. Bathrooms, Water, Additional Equipment
1. Only 2 Members can enter facility at a time to access bathroom, water and/or additional equipment.
1a. Mandatory face covering inside facility
1b. Traffic flow will be designated (Enter Here… Exit Here) to avoid crossover traffic
1c. Mandatory handwashing before exiting bathrooms
2. There will be no training whatsoever by members inside the facility.
2a. Strict “enter/exit” policy will be enforced
2b. There will be no exceptions to this policy
C. Inclement Weather
1. Classes will not be held in unsafe conditions
1a. Rain/Thunder/Lightning/Insufficient Light
1b. No exceptions to this policy
2. It is the responsibility of the Coach to strictly enforce these guidelines… and it is the responsibility of the member to adhere to these guidelines for personal safety and the safety of others.
Coaches/Coaching Outdoor Sessions
A. Pat will be the default Coach for all sessions
1. Coaches are not required to coach outdoor sessions if uncomfortable with situation
B. Communication with Coaches/Members
1. Daily Member Email
1a. Communicates WODs (Whitboard/Zoom/Outdoor), coaching staff, links
1b. Reinforces Format/Protocol/Rules
2. Weekly Email Thread
2a. Communicates the WODs, (Whitboard/Zoom/Outdoor) and coaching staff
2b. Reinforces Format/Protocol/Rules
3. Member’s Facebook Page
3a. Additional source to recommunicate email thread, WODs, coaching staff, links
3b. Used for Canceling of Classes due to inclement weather
4. RedShed BLOG
4a. Communicates the WODs Daily/Zoom/Outdoor
4b. Used for canceling of classes due to inclement weather
4c. Reinforces Format/Protocol/Rules