Day 1- Monday 231009
A. AMRAP 4:00 90% effort
8 Wallballs 20/14# 10/9’
8 Hang power snactches 75/55
Rest 2:00 then B
B. AMRAP 4:00 90% effort
9 T2B/HKR/ toes to rig/ GHD
9 BJSD 24/20
Rest 2:00 then C
C. AMRAP 4:00 90% effort
10 Burpees
10 Hang clean & jerks 75/55
Rest 4:00 then D
D. For time AFAP
8 Wallballs
8 Hang power snactches
9 T2B/HKR/ toes to rig/ GHD
10 Burpees
10 Hang clean & jerks
Day 2- Tuesday 231010
A1. 30 sec handstand, DB z-press, or standing DB OH hold with 03 sec negative at the end (:28, :29, :30), rest TOM then A2
A2. 30 sec hollow body rocks, rest TOM then A3
A3: 10 burpees to a target, rest to 4:00 then back to A1 x 3
Rest an additional 3:00 then B
B. 5 Rounds for time 80-90% effort
30 DU or 30 double hip taps or 90 singles
10 Deadlifts 135/95
3 Wall climbs
Day 3- Wednesday 231011
A. AMRAP 40:00
Sandbag or Medball walking lunges to curb
Sandbag or Medball run the remainder of the 200m loop
15 strict press from the rack 95/65 or 15 strict hspu
15 strict ring rows increase difficulty by elevating feet
20 alt single leg V-up
Day 4- Thursday 231012
Aerobic Intervals & Yoga
A. For total distance
5:00 work… 2:30 rest
4:00 work… 2:00 rest
3:00 work… 1:30 rest
2:00 work… 1:00 rest
1:00 work… done
B. Yoga as recovery for athletes
Day 5- Friday 231013
A. 5 sets 90% effort
1:00 row/ski for calories
1:00 rest
Rest an additional 3:00 then B
B. For time “Rueben James”
Bear complex
Pull-ups/ jumping pull-ups/ assisted pull-ups
30 sec FLR after each round including the last
L1: 65/45
L2: 95/65
L3: 115/75
Shed Kicker: 135/95
Day 6- Saturday 231014
Coach’s choice
Classes 7, 8, 9am
Day 7- Sunday 231015
RedShed Rest Day