Day 1- Monday 240226
A. EMOM 12:00 skillwork
Min 1: Ring Skills (muscle ups/toes to ring/ dips/ supports/ false grip hang…)
Min 2: Single leg squat work (pistols/ high single leg step ups)
Min 3: Handstand work (push-ups, kicking up, walking, wall climbs)
Rest 3:00 then B
B. AMRAP 15:00
10 dual db deadlifts 50/35
10 push-ups
10 ring rows
10 ohs 95/65
1:00 core hold (FLR, forearm plank, reverse plank, side bridges, hollowbody hold, handstand hold)
Day 2- Tuesday 240227
A1. 5 barbell strict presses from the rig, rest TOM then A2
A2. 12 forward stepping goblet lunges, # athletes choice, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 5. Build barbell and goblet weight each set
rest to 17:00 then B
B. For time
50’ shuttle runs
Day 3- Wednesday 240228
A1. 1 set at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00
7 bjsd nte 24”
6 db alt hang clean & jerk nte 75/50
12/10 calories
A2. 1 set at 3:00, 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, 27:00
12/10 calories
6 barbell thrusters 115/75
7 t2b
Day 4- Thursday 240229
Last 2 weeks of this progression
Pick 2 machines
Run: 1400m
Row/Ski: 1750m
Bike: 3500m
A. AMRAP 10:00
alternate between 2 machines
Rest 5:00 then repeat starting on the opposite machine
B. Yoga
Day 5- Friday 240301
A. Every :90 x 5
1 squat clean thruster
rest to 10:00 then B
B. For time, Partition as desired
100 calories
80 medball step-ups nte “24/ 20#
60 double under
40 ab-mat sit-ups
20 bar facing burpees
10 rope climbs
* Every 2:00 starting at 0:00 and until the work is done
1 squat clean thruster at 90% of A
Day 6- Saturday 240302
Open WOD 24.1
Heat sign-up on the white board when you come in. Heat timing is determined on Thursday once the workout has been announced.
Day 7- Sunday 240303
Recovery Yoga for Athletes 9-10:15 am
Sign up through Zen Planner