Day 1- Monday 240422
Happy Earth Day!
A. AMRAP 10:00
Single arm suitcase carry to the curb (L)
Single atom overhead carry back (L)
Single arm suitcase carry to the curb ( R)
Single atom overhead carry back ( R)
200m run
Rest 3:00 then B
B. Quarter Finals WOD 24.1
4 Rounds
1:00 of snatches 135/85
1:00 of rowing for calories
1:00 of dual dumbbell box step-ups 20” 50/35
1:00 rest
Day 2- Tuesday 240423
A1. 5 1 ¼ back squats, rest TOM then A2
A2. 3-7 strict pull-ups or pull-up negatives, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 5
Rest an additional 3:00 then B
B. EMOM 12:00
Min 1: 10-15 hollow/arch swings on rings or bar
Min 2: 45sec max lunge + lunge + burpee over 45# plate
Min 3: 45sec handstand hold
Day 3- Wednesday 230424
A. AMRAP 5:00
1 BJSD nte 30” (increase by 1 rep each round)
2 Wall climb
Rest 2:00 then
B. AMRAP 5:00
1 Devil’s press 50/35 (increase by 1 rep each round)
30 double unders
Rest 2:00 then C
C. AMRAP 5:00
5 Burpees (increase by 1 rep each round)
10 wallballs 20#/10’, 14#/9’
Rest 4:00 then D
D. For Time
BJSD highest reps from A
2 wall climbs
Devil’s press highest reps from A
30 double under
Burpee highest reps from A
10 wallballs
Day 4- Thursday 240425
A. AMRAP 26:00
800m run (row/ski: 1000, bike: 2000m)
1:00 rest (row/ski: 500, bike: 1000m)
400m run
2:00 rest
B. Yoga
Day 5- Friday 240426
A. 1 set every 1:30 x 5
6 hang power cleans
6 strict presses
6 bjsd 20/24”
Rest to 10:00 then B
B. 1 set every 1:30 x 5
3 hang squat cleans
3 push press
6 t2b
Rest to 20:00 then C
C. 1 set every 1:30 x 5
1 squat clean
1 push jerk
6 pu/ 3 c2b/ 1 mu
Level 1: A – 55/35, B – 75/55, C – 95/65
Level 2: A – 75/55, B – 95/65, C – 135/95
Level 3: A – 95/65, B – 135/95, C – 155/125
Day 6- Saturday 240427
Coach’s Choice
Classes 7, 8, 9am
Day 7- Sunday 240428
RedShed Rest Day