Day 1- Monday 240520
A. 4 sets for time
200m run
30sec FLR
rest to 10:00 then B
B. AMRAP 7:00 barbells nte 115/85
8 pull-ups
12 deadlifts
8 shoulder to overhead
Rest 3:00 then C
C. AMRAP 7:00
10 single arm alternating devil’s press (50/35)
20 ab-mat sit-ups
30 double unders (90 singles)
Day 2- Tuesday 240521
A. For Quality
20 unbroken back squats, build from last week (week 3 of 4)
Rest to 5:00 then B
B. EMOM 25:00
Min 1: alternating round
1,3,5: 5 dual DB bent over row with 05sec pause at top of pull
2, 4: static hold at the top of the pull-ups or flex arm hang nte 30sec
Min 2: 5 sets- single + single + dual arm db benchpress
Min 3: 3-5 (beat swing + beat swing + t2b)
Min 4: 15/12 calories (row/bike/ski/run)
Min 5: rest
Day 3- Wednesday 240522
Repeat 221213
A. 1 set every 3:00 x 5
1:00 farmer’s carry
5-7 burpee box jumps nte 30”
0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00
@ 15:00 start B
B. 1 set every 3:00 x 5
30sec AMRAP kettlebell swings nte 32kg
7: lunge + lunge + squat no load
Day 4- Thursday 240523
5:00pm Free Nutrition Seminar
A. Row’d Royalty 22.3
row 5:00
rest 3:00
row 15:00
Score A: distance from 5:00
Score B: distance3 for 20:00
B. Yoga
Day 5- Friday 240524
Continuous running clock for A, B, & C
A. For Time
hang power snatch
rest 3:00 then B
B. For Time
clean to overhead
rest 3:00 then C
C. For Time
L1: 45/15, 65/35, 95/65
L2: 65/35, 85/55, 125/95
L3: 85/55, 115/85, 155/125
Day 6- Saturday 240525
ONE HEAT 8:00am
1 mile run
100 pull-up
200 push-ups
300 air squats
1 mile run
Partition middle reps as desired
½ murph
¼ murph
partner murph
weighted vest murph
Day 7- Sunday 240526
RedShed Rest Day