Day 1- Monday 240610
A. 1 set every 3:30 x 5
4 alt turkish get-ups (TGU)
5 burpee box jump overs 24/20” (bbjo)
6 t2b
Rest to 20:00 (2:30) then B
B. Static hold sequence
1:00 wall sit
1:00 floating table top
1:00 wall facing handstand
1:00 rest
then 45sec, 30sec, 15sec of each
Day 2- Tuesday 240611
A. 1 complex every 1:30 x 7
snatch balance with :02 hold at bottom + 2 overhead squats
build each round, start very light
Rest to 15:00, set up summer gymnastics goal (sag) during rest, then B
B. AMRAP 15:00
10 dual db deadlifts
20 lunges, bodyweight
7-10 reps or 90sec SGG
15 calories
Day 3- Wednesday 240612
A. 4 Rounds for Time, barbells 95/65
5 front squats
5 sh2oh
5 thrusters
10 pull-ups
400m run
Day 4- Thursday 240613
A. For distance
Rest 3:00 then B
B. 24:00 running clock
Distance Ax2, rest 2:00
Distance Ax3, rest 2:00
Distance3 Ax4, rest 2:00…until time expires
Day 5- Friday 240614
A. For Distance
Rest to 10:00, WOD prep, at 10:00 clock resets to 0:00, then B
B. For Time
75 power snatches 75/55
15:00 cap*
upon finishing, rest 2:00 and active recovery cardio until time expires
Day 6- Saturday 240615
Coach’s Choice
Classes 7, 8, 9am
Day 7- Sunday 240616
RedShed Rest Day