Programming Week of 240729

Squat day: Tuesday

Push Press day: Monday

A. Push Press 3×5

From the rack 75% of last week 5rm, lift every 2:00

Rest an additional 3:00 then B

B. 3 Rounds for time

30 cal assault bike

30 american kettlebell swings 24/16kg

A. Front Squat 5×5

60-70% of last week 1rm

Squat every 2:00

Rest an additional 2:00 then B

B. EMOM 12:00

Min1: 7-10 or 30sec Summer Gymnastics Goals- OR- 30sec strict pulling reps

Min 2: 

Athletes can start at A, B, C, D, or E. no more than 4 athletes to section

A.  50 double unders or 30sec of attempts, whichever comes first

Rest 1:00 then B

B. 10/7 Ski calories or 30sec of sprint,whichever comes first

Rest 1:00 then C

C. 16 alternation single arm power snatches or whichever comes first 50/35

Rest 1:00 then D

D. 10-12 t2b/knr/k2e or 30sec whichever comes first

Rest 1:00 then E

E. 10 Burpee box jump overs or 30sec, whichever comes first 24/20”

Rest 2:30 then back to A x 3

A. Apparatus 1

5:00 for distance

EMOM 10 sec sprint!

Rest 3:00

B. Apparatus 2

5:00 for distance

EMOM 10 sec sprint!

Rest 3:00

C. Apparatus 3

5:00 for distance

EMOM 10 sec sprint!

Rest then Yoga

D. Yoga for athletes

REPEAT 231013

A. 5 sets 90% effort

1:00 row/ski for calories

1:00 rest

Rest an additional 3:00 then B

B. For time “Ruben James” 


Bear complex


Pull-ups/ jumping pull-ups/ assisted pull-ups

30 sec FLR after each round including the last

L1: 65/45

L2: 95/65

L3: 115/75

Shed Kicker: 135/95

Coach’s choice

Classes 7, 8am

CrossFit Kids 9am

RedShed Rest Day

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