Squat day: Monday
Push press day: Wednesday
Day 1- Monday 240812
A. Front Squats 5×5 (week 4 of 6)
From the rack, 5-10 lb more than last or 80% of your week 1
Squat every 2:00
Rest an additional 2:00 then B
B. EMOM 12:00
Min1: 7-10 or 30sec Summer Gymnastics Goals- OR- 30sec strict pulling reps
Min 2: 7-10 burpees
Day 2- Tuesday 240813
A. AMRAP 5:00
10 Hang power snatches 75/55
10 Wallballs 20/14# 10/9’
Rest 2:30 then B
B. AMRAP 5:00
10 t2b
10 box jump overs 24/20”
Rest 2:30 then C
C. AMRAP 5:00
10 Hang power snatches
10 box jump overs
Rest 2:30 then D
D. AMRAP 5:00
10 t2b
10 wallballs
Day 3- Wednesday 240814
A. Push press 3×5 (week 4 of 6)
From the rack, 5-10 lb more than last week or 75% of your week 1
Press every 2:00
Rest an additional 3:00 then B
B. For time
Deadlifts 155/125
*150 between rounds
Day 4- Thursday 240815
A. For time
3500m row/ski or 7000m bike
25 abs of choice every 500m (1000m bike)
B. Yoga for Athletes
Day 5- Friday 240816
A. 5 RoundsFor Time
400m run
20 shoulder 2 overhead 95/65
Day 6- Saturday 240817
Coach’s Choice
Classes 7&8am
CrossFit Kids 9am
Day 7- Sunday 240817
RedShed Rest Day