Day 1- Monday 240930
Week 4 of 6
A1. 5 barbell bench press, rest TOM then A2
A2. 8/8 stagger stance dual DB RDL, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x3
Build each movement over the 3 sets
Rest an additional 3:00 then B
B. For Time
75 wallballs 20/14# 10/9’
50 t2b
25 burpees to a target
Day 2- Tuesday 241001
A. 5 Rounds for Time
20 single arm alternating russian KBS 24/16kg
10 ring dips
10 push-ups
30 double unders or 10 bjsd
1 50’ dual db overhead carry 50/35
4 50’ shuttle runs
Day 3- Wednesday 241002
Strength Day Week 4 of 6
A. 1 complex every 2:30 x 4 @ 60-70% of 1rm Squat clean
1 deadlift
1 high hang squat clean
1 low hang squat clean
1 squat clean
0:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30
No additional rest before B
B. 1 complex every 2:30 x 4 @ 70-80% of 1rm Squat clean
1 deadlift
1 high hang squat clean
1 squat clean
10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30
No additional rest before C
C. 1 complex every 2:30 x 4 @ 80-90% of 1rm Squat clean
1 deadlift
1 squat clean
20:00, 22:30, 25:00, 27:30
Day 4- Thursday 241003
A. 6 sets
1:30 max calories
1:30 gymnastics skill work
1:00 rest
B. Yog as recovery for athletes
Day 5- Friday 241004
Coach collaboration!! Come to class to find out!!!
A. 1 set every 5:00 x 5
10/8 calories ski
14 back rack reverse lunges
12 ohs
10 c2b pull-ups
8 bar facing burpees
Day 6- Saturday 241005
Coach’s Choice
Classes 7, 8, &9am
Day 7- Sunday 241006
See slack and Zen Planner for programming
8:00am OLY
9:00am Endurance
10:00 am CrossFit Kids