Day 1- Monday 241028
A1. 5 strict pulling reps at 3131 tempo, no rest into A2
A2. 15 unbroken wall balls, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x3
Rest an additional 2:00 then B
B1. 5 leg raises at X155 no rest into B2
B2. 10 burpees, rest to 3:00 then back to B1 x 3
Rest an additional 2:00 then C.
C. For time
50 alt DB power snatches 50/35
50 calorie row or assault bike
Day 2- Tuesday 241029
Strength Day!
A. 1 set every 2:00 x 5
2 power cleans + 1 squat clean
Build up to 75% of 1rm Squat clean
Rest 2:00 then B
B. 1 set every 2:00 x 5, from the rack
2 push jerks + 1 split jerk
Build each set
Rest 2:00 then C
C. 1 set every 1:30 x 5 at 100% of B
1 squat clean & split jerk
Day 3- Wednesday 241030
Barbells nte 95/65
A. AMRAP 5:00
7 Deadlifts
7 Hang power cleans
7 Pull-ups
Rest 2:00 then B
B. AMRAP 6:00
6 T2B
6 Push Press
6 Front rack lunges
Rest 3:00 then C.
C. AMRAP 7:00
5 Burpee box jump overs 24/20”
5 hang power snatches
5 ohs
Day 4 Thursday 241031
A. EMOM 10:00
Death by calories
Row, Bike erg, or Ski
Start at 1, 3, or 6 calories. Increase by 1 calorie each minute
Rest 3:00 then B
B. Repeat A but on a different machine!
C. Yoga for athletes
Day 5- Friday 241101
Bring a Friend Week starts!
A. 9 RoundsFor Time
3 bench press
*10 weighted step ups 20”
15/12 calories
*Increase step ups by 10 each round
Day 6- Saturday 241102
Coach’s Choice
Classes 7, 8, &9am
Day 7- Sunday 241103
See Slack and Zen Planner for programming
8:00am OLY
9:00am Endurance
10:00am CrossFit Kids