Programming Week of 241104

A. EMOM 9:00

Min 1: 30 sec side bridge left

Min 2: 30 sec side bridge right

Min 3: 30 sec reverse plank

Rest 3:00 then B

B. Open WOD 19.1

AMRAP 15:00

19 wall balls

19 calorie row

A1. 5 strict pulling reps at 3131 tempo, no rest into A2

A2. 10 box jumps nte 30”, rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x3

Rest an additional 2:00 then B

B1. 5 leg raises at 5151 no rest into B2

B2. 10 burpees, rest to 3:00 then back to B1 x 3

Rest an additional 2:00 then C.

C. For time


50’ Shuttle run

Hand release push-ups

Sumo deadlifts high pulls 24/16kg

Goblet lunges 24/16kg

Strength Day! Week 2 of 6

A.5×3 Split Jerk from the rack 75-80% of last week c&J

Lift every 2:00

Rest to 2:00 then B

B. 3×5 Front Squat 90% of last week c&j

Lift every 2:00

Rest 20:00 then C

C.1x 6 1 Squat clean & Split jerk 

Lift every 1:30 

Build each set

Aerobic Intervals & Yoga

A. Tabata row, bike, or ski for total distance

8x 20 sec work, 10 sec rest

Rest 2:00

B. Repeat total distance from A

Rest to 12:00

Repeat A & B

C. Yoga

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS 6pm no 4:30pm class

A. AMRAP 25:00

6 T2B or 2 rope climbs

6 devil presses to burpee pull-up/c2b or muscle up 50/35

1:00 farmer’s carry

30sec max Double unders

Chad 1000x

Classes 7, 8, &9am

See slack and Zen Planner for programming

8:00am OLY 

9:00am Endurance

10:00am CrossFit Kids

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