Day 1- Monday 250203
Strength Day 2 Week 5 of 6
A1. Deadlifts
S- 5 reps at 90-95% of week 1 5RM
ME- 10 reps same weight as last week or add 10%
Rest TOM then A2
A2. Tempo Pushing options
Box supported dips 3-5 reps @ 30×1 tempo
Push-ups 5-7 reps @ 30×1 tempo
3-5 handstand push-ups @ 30×1 tempo
3-5 Z press @ 30×1 tempo
Rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 5
Rest an additional 2:00 then B
B. EMOM 12:00
Min 1: max db power snatches
Min 2: max shuttle runs
Min 3: max burpee pull-ups
Min 4: rest
Day 2- Tuesday 250204
Aerobic Flow
A. AMRAP 20:00
20 calorie row/ski
20 burpees
20 ab-mat sit-ups
20 air squats
Day 3- Wednesday 250205
Strength Day 1- Week 5 of 6
A. Back squat every 2:30 x 5
S- 5×2 @ 30×1 tempo 80-85% of week 3 1rm
ME- 5×7 sets 1-3 @ 30×1 tempo, sets 4-5 no tempo, same load from last week
Rest and additional 2:00 then B
B. Strict Pulling 2:00 x 5
3-5 strict Pull-ups @ 30X1 tempo, option to make them weighted or C2B
5-7 Dual db prone row @ 30X2 tempo, go heavier than last week
3-5 negatives: 01-03 second hold at the top, negative down no longer than 05 seconds
Day 4- Thursday 250206
Aerobic Intervals
A. 1 set every 6:00 x 4
500/400m row
Max burpees in time remaining to 3:00
B. Yoga for Athletes
Day 5- Friday 250207
A. 5:00- 7:00
Wod prep and primer
Coaches choice
Rest 3:00 then B
B. For Time
21-15-9 no cap
Box jump step downs
RX- 95/65, 24/20 jumps
Scaled- 65/45, 20 step or jump
Day 6- Saturday 250208
Coach’s choice
Classes 7, 8, &9am
Day 7- Sunday 250209
See slack and Zen Planner for programming
8:00am OLY
9:00am Endurance
10:00 am CrossFit Kids