Day 1- Monday 250217
A. Tabata mash up 16x (8:00)
20 sec max ring rows, 10 sec rest
20 sec max hrpu, 10 sec rest
Rest 2:00 then B
B. Tabata mash up 16x
20 sec max air squats or pistol squats, 10 sec rest
20 sec max broad jumps or bjsd, 10 sec rest
Rest 2:00 then C
C. Tabata mash up 16x
20 sec max ab-mat sit-ups or ghd, 10 sec rest
20 sec max beat swings, 10 sec rest
Day 2- Tuesday 250218
Get your steps in!!!
A. AMRAP 40:00
50’ walking lunges
3 50’ shuttle runs
50’ suitcase carry left
50’ suitcase carry right
3 50’ shuttle runs
50’ single arm overhead carry left
50’ single arm overhead carry right
3 50’ shuttle runs
50’ bear crawl db drag
3 50’ shuttle runs
1:00 rest
Day 3- Wednesday 250219
A1. 6 alternating TGU, light load, rest to 1:30 then A2
A2. 5: 1 kb sdl + 1 sdlhp , rest to 3:00 then back to A1 x 3
Rest to 12:00 then B
B. EMOM 12:00
Min 1: tng power snatches 5.4.3. (step over the barbell at the .) 75/55
Min 2: pull-up clusters 6.4.2 (rest 10 sec at the .)
Min 3: double unders 20, 30, or 50
Min 4: rest
Rest an additional 1:00 then C
C. 5:00 cardio
Recovery pace or get after it!
Day 4- Thursday 250220
A. Aerobic Intervals: 25:00 cap
2000m (4000m bike erg, 1600m run)
Rest 4:00
1000m (2000m bike erg, 800m run)
Rest 2:00
500m (1000m bike erg, 400m run)
Rest 1:00
250m (500m bike erg, 200m run)
B. Yoga for Athletes
Day 5- Friday 250221
A. AMRAP 30:00
Max distance row, bike, ski, run
*at 0:00, 6:00, 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 perform 15 wallballs
*at 3:00, 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, 27:00 perform 1-3 rope climbs
Day 6- Saturday 250222
Big Fish Community Challenge
AMRAP 45:00
13 Stone 2 shoulder
40 calorie row
7 rounds of “Cindy”
Classes 7, 8, &9am
Day 7- Sunday 250223
See slack and Zen Planner for programming
8:00am OLY
9:00am Endurance
10:00 am CrossFit Kids