Day 1- Monday 250224
A1. 10 dual db deadlifts, rest tom then A2
A2. 10 alt dual db strict curls, rest tom then A3
A3. 30 sec mixed grip dual db or kb carry, switch arms and repeat
Rest to 4:00 then back to A1 x 3
Rest an additional 2:00 then B
B1. 1:00 max calories, perform that many medball step ups nte 24”, rest to 3:00 then B2
B2. 1:00 max calories, perform that many kbs 24/16kg, rest to 3:00 then back to B1 x3
Day 2- Tuesday 250225
A. EMOM 30:00
Min 1: 6 alt single arm devil’s press 40/25
Min 2: 10 bjsd 24/20”
Min 3: descending reps wall ball clusters 8.7.5, rest 05 sec at the (.)
Min 4: 12/10 calories row/ski
Min 5: descending reps t2b clusters 6.4.2 (5.3.2) 10 sec at the (.)
Min 6: rest
Day 3- Wednesday 250226
A1. 0:00, 9:00
5 50’ shuttle run (down and back = 1) + 30 lunges
A2. 3:00, 12:00
10 sec AB sprint + 30 air squats
A3. 6:00, 15:00
6/4 calorie ski + 30 push-ups
After 15:00 rest to 20:00 then B
B. AMRAP 10:00
Moderate load backward sled drags
Day 4- Thursday 250227
Aerobic Intervals
A. Recover in the seat
2:00 work
2:00 recovery pace
3:00 work
3:00 recovery pace
Rest 4:00 then repeat
B. Yoga for Athletes
Day 5- Friday 250228
Aerobic Flow Partner WOD (subject to change based on the 25.1 Open WOD)
A. AMRAP 28:00
10 hang power cleans 95/65
10 sh2oh
20 back squats
20 pull-ups
30 double unders, 90 singles
30 burpees
Day 6- Saturday 250301
Gym open 7-10am
Heat details will be released Friday morning
Day 7- Sunday 250302
Recovery Yoga for Athletes
9:00-10:15 am