Resting is easy, and scaling is only optional?
If you spend some time on the internet, you can google “rest and CrossFit”, and “scaling in CrossFit”, and I am sure you will find plenty of stuff to read. So much has be written about these two topics.
With that said, I won’t write a long essay on how important it is to rest, and why scaling is cool.
Instead, take inventory of your training and ask yourself some simple questions…
Am I injured?
Am I injured and training anyway?
Have I investigated how to treat my injury (if I have one)?
Do I rest enough or do I just train everyday the gym is open?
Am I choosing the right level WOD based on my strength, skill and ability to perform the proper movement standards?
Do I ask questions when I don’t know what to do?
Do I listen to my coaches when I ask them for advice and suggestions?
Do I adhere to the movement standards of every WOD?
Am I counting reps that are not up to the proper movement standards?
Are my times and scores legit?
Are my training efforts driven by ego, vanity or integrity?
Will I still get into paleo heaven if I eat ice cream, and put ketchup on everything I eat?