RSCF Blog Rules

Welcome to the RedShed CrossFit Blog Rules page!

It is very important to us that you understand who we are, and what we are about.  RedShed CrossFit started in a 340 sqft garage, embracing the grassroots philosophy set forth by Coach Glassman.  We have been fortunate enough to grow our community, out-grow our garage and essentially reach many more athletes via our website.  With that said, our blog is family oriented, positive, encouraging and informative.  As Coaches, and the owners of this business, we take our time to use our blog to track YOUR PROGRESS, and archive it so YOU can use the blog as a tool. And at the same time, we encourage fun and friendly banter, always striving to keep our community strong and happy!

Veteran ShedHeads: understand that this is an open website.  That means anyone, anywhere can access our blog and read what YOU SAY!  YOU represent US, please remember that before you type!

RedShed Blog Rules:

1) Use the blog as a tool.  Keep your comments positive, funny and informative.  Remember that the comments are archived, and you can keep track of information.

2) Profanity written in a negative context, or directed toward an individual will not be tolerated!

3) Refrain from using this as a personal message board.  Leave that to your facebook account!

4) Use good judgment and always be positive.  A positive outlook is contagious, and will benefit our community greatly.

5) Don’t be a blog killer!  (disrespect and negativity are also contagious… don’t be “that guy”) 

A message from your coach:

I love my job folks.  We get to do awesome stuff everyday.  It is not fun, however, having to police the website.  I have had to delete too many comments too many times, and that is why we are implementing these rules.  We are all educated adults who come together for a common purpose… are you on-board? 

We will have a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding blog comments.  You get one strike, and your off the blog! 

Yours in Fitness,

