Setting Goals…
These two things seem to go together nicely. You see, CrossFit has a bunch of "things" in it that not a lot of people are capable of doing… well, at least not right now!
Muscle-ups, double unders, mastering the kip, pull-ups, standard height box jumps… just to name a few.
Then we have the barbell movements… all variations for squatting, pressing, lifting, cleans and snatches.
Finally we have The Open and local throwdowns/competitions, and striving to participate Rx'd seems to be a very popular goal among all athletes in the world of CrossFit.
Well, let's take a look at goal setting for a moment…
First, it's great to have goals! But do you just say them to say them, or do you talk about them with your peers, tell your family about them or write them down?
Next, when you identify your goals, are you developing or coordinating a strategy with steps to take to achieve those goals… or are you just expecting that coming to the gym every day will help you magically achieve the allusive muscle-up, double under or perfect clean & jerk without a specific plan or practice?
Have you set aside time or set up a meeting with your coach to talk about your goals? And if not, WHY NOT?
Over the past 20 years of training, coaching and mentoring athletes and clients of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities; I have learned that one must first be "ready" before anything is achieved.
Ready to do the work.
Ready to implement small changes in behavior to elicit positive results.
Ready to be uncomfortable.
Ready to make sacrifices in one's time and routine.
Ready to practice.
Ready to eat better.
Ready to quit drinking alcohol.
Ready to stop allowing old habits and excuses to be something you're OK with.
Setting goals…. that's the easy part!
Doing the work necessary to achieve them, well,… that's an entirely different story!
Set your goals
Write them down
Tell your friends and family what they are (so they can help you stay on track)
Talk to your Coaches about the best approach for you
… and then ask yourself this question…
"Am I ready?"
well, …
are you ready?
I started a “goal wall” late last year. Starting with three goals for the year, three reasons why they are my goals, and three steps to take to get there. Then I chose three different for six months, and three months. It was nice to have that in my face everyday to remind me and even nicer when I finally get to check one off the list!
I think it would be great to have a goal wall in the gym so it is staring you in the face every single day your are in the gym and so that our coaches know where you want to be and how to get there! Just a thought.