The foundations of my early childhood focused on participation in sports. Many years of athletics came to a competitive end after a knee injury playing high school basketball. On the court of UNC-Chapel Hill is where my ACL and MCL tore. As fate would have it – this was happening on the same court of greatness that Michael Jordan played on. My basketball days came to an end, but physical therapy peaked my interest in the workings of the human body.
My college days at Rutgers University started as a business major. After one too many economics and accounting class – I changed my major to pursue my passion. Graduating with a Bachelors of Science degree in Exercise Science/Sport Management and having certifications as a Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor and Lifestyle & Weight Management Consultant, I began my career in the corporate fitness arena. 11 years later I am still in the industry as a Fitness Professional, however I have a different perspective…
CrossFit changed the entire way I train myself and others. Years of personal training and teaching group exercise classes seemed like a distant past. CrossFit turned my world upside down – all that I had preached, practiced and promoted became the “old way of thinking”.
My first exposure to CrossFit was from the sidelines. Being pregnant with my second daughter – I was watching from afar as the RedShed was forming. Counting down the days until Caitlyn arrived, I was eyeing up the calendar to determine when I could start on my own CrossFit journey. What I love about
CrossFit is the foundation of constantly varied functional exercise. There are so many options – the movements and the methods of putting those movements together. It also brought back my competitive spirit – a race against the clock, a personal record or the challenge of attempting a movement I need much work on. Milestones along the way like pull-ups, handstand push-ups, double-unders and a sub-20 minute 5K all came with hard work and consistent training – anything is possible!
It was very easy for me to get hooked on CrossFit. It’s often said you come for the WODs, but you stay for the community. The group of ShedHeads that walk through the doors of the RedShed have transformed their bodies and their lives. It is so amazing to see progress over time and the family that has formed. Enter the Shed to discover the magic, drink the Kool Aid and begin YOUR journey to FORGING ELITE FITNESS!