Day 2
Tuesday 230704
Morning Classes only 7, 8, 9am
Partner WOD 2 athletes
17 reps to be synchronized
One partner using barbell the other using dumbbells
BB: 115/85 DBs: 50/35
76 reps to be broken up however between 2 partners
1776 for time
17 Deadlifts BB: 115/85 DBs: 50/35
76 push-ups
17 pull-ups
76 sit-ups/ghd
17 Sh2oh BB: 115/85 DBs: 50/35
76 Calories assault bike
17 Wallballs 20# 10’/14# 9’
76 Double Unders
17 Power Cleans BB: 115/85 DBs: 50/35
76 KB swings 24/16kg
400m sandbag run 200m per partner