Warm-up for week of 110523
800m running or 1000m rowing
10 pvc thrusters
10 pvc squat snatches
10 pvc ohs
10 inchworms between each movement
5-10:00 foam roll, mobility
Shedkickers for week of 110523
1)For time:
thruster – 165/110
((sub for muscle-ups will be 18-12-6 ctb pull-ups/dips))
2)For time:
50 hspu
100 toes thru rings
-partition as needed
-45# plates, head to abmat (competition standards)
3)For time:
15 deadlifts – 275/165
100 double unders
15 front squats – 185/115
100 double unders
15 ohs – 135/95
100 double unders
-3 hspu every time you trip up or stop your double unders
-set bars up so you can strip plates according to next movement