Strength for Week of 120213
weighted pull-ups, front squat, power clean
5 @ 75%
3 @ 85%
max reps @ 90%
ShedKickers for Week of 120213
5 rounds for time of:
12 squat clean thrusters – 135/95
3 rope ascents
5 rounds for time of:
6 deadlifts – 315/205
6 muscle-ups
10 rounds for time of:
5 squat snatch – 115/75
20 double unders
For time:
50 hspu
EMOM for 10:00
5 thrusters – 75/45
8 step-ups – 75/45, 20″ box
Every minute on the minute, perform 5 thrusters then 8 step-ups with a 75/45# barbell. If you are able to make it the full 10:00, immediately hit the street for an 800m run. If you fail to complete 8 step-ups within the minute, immediately hit the rower for a 1000m row at the time you fail to make the minute. Score = total time to complete WOD… “C2” or “run” will indicate who actually finished EMOM! First thruster can be from behind the neck.
Run: 1K*
C2: Row 1K
SK: Run 1k then row 1K
*1K=800m, then manhole cover to front door