Day 1
WOD 180326
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Athletes can start @ A or C, but must switch accordingly
A. 1 set every 2min for 4 total sets… (0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00)
150m/100m row + 10 burpees
rest to 10:00 on timer, then B
B. EMOM 9:00
1) 10 bjsd… 24”/20”
2) 6 unbroken power cleans… nte 135/95
3) 10 pistols – OR – 20 air squats
rest to 22:00 on timer, then C
C. 1 set every 2min for 4 total sets… (22:00, 24:00, 26:00, 28:00)
10cal/7cal Assault Bike + 10 burpees
D. post WOD recovery
Day 2
WOD 180327
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 4 x 2:00 workload @ 90% aerobic effort… rest 2:00 b/t sets… (0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00)
20cal/15cal Assault Bike + heavy farmer’s carry until time expires
rest to 20:00 on timer, then B
B. Choose a workload and complete @ high intensity… capped @ 10:00
*5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 double unders
wall climbs
*50 double unders
C. post WOD recovery
Day 3
WOD 180328
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 50 walking lunges… total steps… no load… rest to 3:00 (9:00 for set 2) on timer, then A2
A2. 10 strict dumbbell curl & press (both arms at same time) + 30sec forearm plank… rest to 6:00 on timer, then back to A1, x 2
rest to 15:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% effort
15 kb swings… 24kg/16kg
10 burpees
rest 5:00, then C
C. AMRAP 5:00 @ 90% effort
15 bjsd… 24”/20”
10 pull-ups
D. post WOD recovery
Day 4
WOD 180329
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 4 x 10sec Assault Bike sprints… work @ 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00… rest to 8:00, then B’s
B1. 1:00 SB… rest 30sec, then B2
B2. 1:00 FLR… rest 30sec, then B3
B3. 1:00 SB… rest to 15:00 on timer, then C
C. 15:00 Aerobic Workload… dumbbells nte 50/35
Choose an aerobic apparatus, and work for 15:00 @ 80-90% effort
Row, Ski, or Bike
@ 15:00, 20:00, 25:00… perform 20 db g2oh
D. post WOD recovery
Day 5
WOD 180330
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Complete workload for time
50 wall balls
1 rope climb – OR – 5 t2b – OR – 10 abmats
40 wall balls
2 rope climbs – OR – 10 t2b – OR – 15 abmats
30 wall balls
3 rope climbs – OR – 15 t2b – OR – 20 abmats
20 wall balls
4 rope climbs – OR – 20 t2b – OR – 25 abmats
10 wall balls
5 rope climbs – OR – 25 t2b – OR – 30 abmats
Day 6
WOD 180331
WOD – Coach’s Choice… YAY!!