Day 1
WOD 200420
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 1 set of complex @ high intensity… rest 2min b/t sets
12 deadlifts + 3 burpees over bar
9 hang power cleans + 3 burpees over bar
6 shoulder to overhead + 3 burpees over bar
(barbell load is athlete’s choice… reps should be unbroken)
rest 5min after 5th set, then B
B1. 8 x tabata bottom-to-bottom squats… no rest after 8th set, then B2
B2. 400m run/jog/walk
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no barbell, execute complex with kb or db… if you have a pair of dbs, use both… if you have a single db or kb, do 6/6 suitcase deadlifts, 4/4 hang power cleans, 3/3 shoulder to overhead
No Equipment WOD 200420
AMRAP 10:00
1 sit-up, stand-up
5 burpees
10 squats
rest 5min
AMRAP 10:00
20 curtsy squats
10 push-up alternate toe touches
5 no push-up inchworms
Day 2
WOD 200421
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 20 unbroken kb swings… rest 1min, then A2
A2. 10/10 single leg RDL w/kb… rest 1min, then A3
A3. 10/10 standing single arm bent row… rest 1min, then A4
A4. 20 unbroken goblet squats… rest 2min, then back to A1, x 3
rest 5min after 3rd set, then B
B. 1 set @ high intensity
500m row
50 burpee box jumps/step-ups
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. no adjustments… everyone should have a kb or db by now!!
B. if no rower, run 400m… if running not an option, execute 100 reps of burpee box jump/step-up
No Equipment WOD 200421
5 sets of 20 reps each leg
donkey kicks
fire hydrants
straight leg raise
-no rest-
5 sets of 20 reps each movement
bird dogs
FLR shoulder taps
hollow rocks or V-ups
Day 3
WOD 200422
warm-up – Coach’ Choice
A. AMRAP 7:00 @ 90% effort
1 wall climb – OR – inchworm push-up
2/2 db/kb hang clean & jerks
3 air squats
*add 1 rep to each movement after each completed round of work
rest 5min, then B
B. AMRAP 7:00 @ 90% effort
5 strict press
20 double unders/50 singles
10 sdhp
20 double unders/50 singles
(loading is athlete’s choice)
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. no modifications needed
B. if no barbell use db or kb and do single arm reps as written
No Equipment WOD 200422
AMRAP 20:00
2 tgu… use shoe, pvc or broomstick
5 push-ups + 10 mountain climbers
2 tgu
20 Russian twists
Day 4
WOD 200423
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 1 set @ 90% effort… rest 2min b/t sets
90sec aerobic effort – Athlete’s Choice (row/bike/run)
20 db power snatches
10 t2b
rest 5min after 5th set, then B
B. 75 wall balls for time… execute 5 burpees every stop, pause or drop of wall balls
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if none of the aerobic efforts appeal to you, do 90sec of burpees or step-ups… if no db, do kb swings… if no t2b, do V-ups
B. if no wb, use a safe implement and do thrusters… try to mimic wall ball load best you can
No Equipment WOD 200423
5K run/jog/walk
Day 5
WOD 200424
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Execute 10 sets of the following DB/KB complex… right side + left side = 1 set
5 single arm deadlifts + 5 hang clean & jerks + 5 single arm thrusters + 4 single arm overhead lunges
rest 5min after 10th set, then B
B. 5:00 of core holds… Athlete’s Choice
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
-no modifications needed!
No Equipment WOD 200424
3:00 Abs!
rest as needed, then
5 sets @ high intensity
20 air squats
20 lunges
20 speed skaters (lateral lunges)
20 squat jumps
30sec FLR
rest b/t sets = work time
Day 6
WOD 200425
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. “Fran” on the Run
For time…
*run 200m after the set of 21’s
*run 400m after the set of 15’s
*run 600m after the set of 9’s
B. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no barbell, is one implement (db or kb) and execute thruster with both hands (not single arm)… if no pull-ups, execute bent rows w/barbell, or single arm rows with db or kb… if running is not an option, execute similar distance on rower or bike… or do 1min, 2min, 3min of step-ups
No Equipment WOD 200425
100 burpees for time
*any stopping or resting must be accomplished in FLR position