Day 1
WOD 200504
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 15:00
1) 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 clean & jerk
2) 8 kb swings + 8 goblet squats
3) 7-10 burpees
rest to 20:00 on timer, then B
B. EMOM 15:00
1) 50 double unders/100 singles
2) 20 db power snatches
3) 45sec FLR
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. 1) if no barbell, use pair of dumbbells… if no pair of db, then do single arm complex each side with db or kb… 2) if no kb, use db
B. 1) if no jump rope, do hip tap hops… 2) if no db, use kb and do hang power snatches
No Equipment WOD 200504
10:00 running clock… continuous bodyweight complex
inchworm to floor + 5 push-ups
4 scorpions + 10 mt. climbers
inchworm to standing, then…
3 air squats + 4 lunges (fwd) + 5 squat jumps + 6 reverse lunges
rest as needed after 10min of this activity, then…
400-800m run/jog/walk
Day 2
WOD 200505
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 8 landmine reverse lunge to press (R)… rest 30sec, then A2
A2. 8 landmine reverse lunge to press (L)… rest 30sec, then A3
A3. 8 single arm landmine row (R)… rest 30sec, then A4
A4. 8 single arm landmine row (L)… rest 90sec, then back to A1, x 4
(links to movements…
rest 5min, then B
B. 3 rounds @ 90% effort
500m row
15 bjsd
400m run
5 wall climbs – OR – 10 inchworm hrpu
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A’s. if no barbell use db or kb and execute same movements
B. if no rower, run 400m or cycle for 2:00… if nothing to jump to, do squat jumps
No Equipment WOD 200505
5 sets
20 deadbugs
20 hollow rocks
20 bird dogs
20 FLR shoulder taps
20 alternating FLR toe taps
20 V-ups
Day 3
WOD 200506
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Complete workload NFT… 80% effort
strict pull-ups
single arm push press each arm
single leg static loaded step-up each leg
*execute 7-10 burpees after each completed set
rest as needed, then B
B. 3:00 abs!!
30sec toe touches
30sec bicycles
30sec hip raises
30sec V-sit hold
30sec alt toe touches
30sec FLR
C. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no pull-ups, do bent rows or single arm torso rows each arm
No Equipment WOD 200506
For Time
100 hrpu
100 sit-ups
100 air squats
5:00 FLR
Day 4
WOD 200507
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 1 set every 3min for 10 total sets… work @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, 24:00, 27:00)
15-20 walll balls + 5-10 t2b
B. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no wb, do thrusters with similar load… if no t2b, do v-ups… add load to make it more challenging
No Equipment WOD 200507
4-5 mile run/jog/walk/hike
Day 5
WOD 200508
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. AMRAP 20:00 @ 90% effort… barbells nte 95/65
15 sdhp
12 hang power cleans
9 shoulder to overhead
6 dips
30sec FLR
B. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. if no barbell, use db or kb… if single arm only do same number of reps each arm… for dips, be creative but safe!
No Equipment WOD 200508
For time
pvc/broomstick ohs
Day 6
WOD 200509
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. “Chad”
1000 step-ups for time… wear a weighted vest or add load if possible
B. post WOD recovery… be still 5-10min… no distractions
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A. no modifications needed… find something safe to step up to for 1000 reps
No Equipment WOD = Daily WOD!!