Day 1
WOD 200601
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 8:00
evens – 10 clean grip deadlifts
odds – 15 hrpu
B. EMOM 8:00
evens – 4 front rack lunges + 4 front squats
odds – 1-5 wall climbs – OR – 5 inchworm push-ups
C. EMOM 8:00
evens – 3 squat cleans
odds – 5-10 hspu – OR – 10 feet elevated push-ups
D. EMOM 8:00
evens – 1 power clean + 5 push jerks
odds – 30sec hold… inversion – OR – FLR
E. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
-if no barbell, us db or kb and execute single arm activity, same rep scheme per side
No Equipment WOD 200601
400m walking lunges
*10 push-ups + 10 sit-ups every 20 lunges
OutDoor WOD 200601
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Equipment Needed: dumbbell, box, jump rope, be prepared to run
A. EMOM 8:00
evens – 16-20 alternating single arm db sdhp
odds – 12-15 bjsd/step-ups
immediately upon completion of 4th set, carry the db around the farmer’s carry loop
rest to 12:00 on timer, then B
B. 5 sets @ 80-90% effort… capped @ 18:00
50 double unders/100 singles
10/10 db hang clean & jerks
200m run
15 goblet squats
C. post WOD recovery
Day 2
WOD 200602
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 5 x 200m run @ 90% aerobic effort… rest 75sec b/t sets
rest 5min after 5th set, then B
B. 5 sets NFT
8-10 bent row
15 wall balls
rest 5min after 5th set, then C
C. 5 x 200m run… rest 90sec b/t sets… goal is to meet or beat efforts from “A”
D. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
A & D. if running not an option, row 250m or bike 1:00 for cals or distance
B. if no barbell, use db or kb… if no wall ball, use safe object to mimic wall ball
No Equipment WOD 200602
A. 3:00 abs… rest 3min, then B
B. 150 loaded step-ups… rest 3min, then C
C. 3:00 abs
Day 3
WOD 200603
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. AMRAP 12:00 @ 80-90% effort
10 db power snatches + 6 single arm push press
25 double unders/50 singles
10 db power snatches + 6 single arm push press (opposite arm)
25 double unders/50 singes
30sec FLR
rest 6min, then B
B. AMRAP 12:00 @ 80-90% effort
6 tgu
5 burpees over db/kb
C. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
-if no db, use kb and do swings instead of power snatches
No Equipment WOD 200603
30:00 – 6:00 continuous activity @ 80% effort
Choose something you enjoy, and work @ 80% for 30-60min
Suggestions below… (or come up with your own activity!)
-trail run/hike
-cycle/mountain bike
-row/kayak/Stand Up Paddle
OutDoor WOD 200603
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Equipment Needed: wall ball, kb, box
A1. 5/5 reverse lunge to press… no rest b/t A1 & A2
A2. 20 alternating golfer’s bends… no rest b/t A2 & A3
A3. 20 unbroken kb swings… rest to 5:00 on timer, then back to A1, x 3
rest to 15:00 on timer, then B
B. AMRAP 15:00 @ 80-90% effort
10 mbc wall balls (to self)
200m med ball carry
30sec FLR
C. post WOD recovery
Day 4
WOD 200604
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 90sec @ 90% effort, rest 90sec b/t sets… barbells nte 135/95
@ 0:00 – 12 deadlifts + lunges in space until time expires
@ 3:00 – 9 hang power cleans + inchworms in space until time expires (no push-up)
@ 6:00 – 6 push jerks + burpees in space until time expires
rest to 12:00 on your timer, then B
B. AMRAP 18:00 @ 90% effort
12 deadlifts + lunges @ 100% reps from “A”
9 hang power cleans + inchworms @ 100% reps from “A”
6 push jerks + burpees @ 100% reps from “A”
C. post WOD recovery
Home/Garage Gym Modifications
-if no barbell, use db or kb and execute single arm activity, same rep scheme both sides
No Equipment WOD 200604
3-5 sets @ 80-90% effort
1:00 – gorilla burpees
1:00 – step-ups/bjsd
1:00 – push-up shoulder taps
1:00 – speed skaters
1:00 – FLR
3:00 rest
Day 5
WOD 200605
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. “Helen” with a suitcase
3 rounds for time of:
400m loaded carry (24kg/16kg kb)
21 kb swings
12 pull-ups (12 single arm row each arm w/kb)
B. post WOD recovery
No Modifications needed!
No Equipment WOD 200605
AMRAP 20:00 @ 80% effort
50 steps – bear crawl forward
50 air squats
50 step – bear crawl backward
50 sit-ups
Outdoor WOD 200605
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Equipment Needed: db
A1. 5 goblet squats @ 33X1… rest 30sec, then A2
A2. 6-8 single arm push press… 2sec pause at top of each rep… rest to 3:00 on timer, then back to A1, x 4
rest to 15:00 on timer, then B
B. 3 sets @ 90% effort
400m run
20 db power snatch
12 burpees
C. post WOD recovery
Day 6
WOD 200606
warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. “Diane” in Quarantine
Choose a variation of “Diane” and share it on the FB Member’s Page, or on IG!!
->Option 1
deadlifts @ 225/155
->Option 2
deadlift whatever equipment you have
burpees over your equipment
->Option 3 (no equipment option… use odd object)
deadlift an odd object (safely)
burpees over that object (safely)
B. post WOD recovery