Day 1
WOD 201130
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 3 front squats @ 33X1 tempo… rest to top of minute, then A2
A2. 5 high box jumps – OR – 30sec loaded wall sit… rest to 3:00 on timer, then back to A1, x 4
(A1 @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00)
@ 12:00, start B
B. AMRAP 5:00
15 deadlifts @ 100% of A1
15 hrpu
Rest 5min, then C
C. AMRAP 10:00
Shoulder to overhead… nte 95/65
Execute 20 double unders/50 singles EMOM, starting @ 0:00
D. post WOD recovery
Day 2
WOD 201201
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 8:00
Evens – 10 empty barbell overhead lunges
Odds – 10 pull-ups/ring rows
Rest to 10:00, then B
B. EMOM 8:00
Evens – 10 sdhp… nte 95/65
Odds – 10 t2b
Rest to 20:00, then C
C. EMOM 8:00
Evens – 3. 3 – clean & jerks… nte 115/75, step over bar @ dot
Odds – 5 pull-up t2b combo
@ 28:00, start D
D. 2:00 – max reps bar-facing burpees
E. post WOD recovery
Day 3
WOD 201202
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Complete workload @ 80-90% effort… time cap is coach’s choice
100cal row/bike/ski
75 Russian kb swings
*50 wall balls
75 Russian kb swings
100cal row/bike/ski
*every stop or drop of wall ball = 5 burpees + 30 double unders/50 singles
B. post WOD recovery
Day 4
WOD 201203
Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD + Open Gym
Warm – Coach’s Choice
A. Choose a workload that is most appropriate for you to complete in a 20:00 window
Option 1
2 x 2000m row, rest 2min b/t sets
Option 2
4 x 1000m row, rest 1min b/t sets
Option 3
8 x 500m, rest 30sec b/t sets
Day 5
WOD 201204
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Work @ 90% effort… barbells nte 95/65
Power cleans
Front squats
Rest to 6:00, then B
B. Work @ 90% effort… barbells nte 95/65
Shoulder to overhead
Bjsd (24”/20”)
Rest to 12:00, then C
C. Repeat “A”
Rest to 18:00, then D
D. Repeat “B”
Rest to 25:00, then E
E. For time @ max effort
7 power cleans
7 front squats
7 pull-ups
7 t2b
7 shoulder to overhead
7 bjsd
F. post WOD recovery
Day 6
WOD 201205
WOD – Coach’s Choice