Week of 210628 Preview

Day 1
WOD 210628

Warm-up – Coach’s Choice

RedShed Test 1
A. Build Complex, 1 set every 90sec, x 5
1 deadlift + 1 power clean + 1 front squat + 1 push jerk
All movements within complex must be performed as separate movements, with specific pause b/t movements.
Rest 5min after 5th set, reduce barbell to 90% of heaviest successful lift of “A”
B. Complete workload for time
5. 3. 1. 1. 3. 5
Squat Clean Thrusters
6 pull-ups + 8 bjsd @ dots

Level 1 – jumping pull-ups + med ball step-ups or bjsd @ 20”
Level 2 – chin over bar pull-ups + bjsd @ 20” or 24”
Level 3 – chest to bar pull-ups + bjsd @ 24” or 30”
ShedKicker – unbroken ctb pull-ups + bjsd @ 30”
C. post WOD recovery

Day 2
WOD 210629

Warm-up – Coach’s Choice

A. 3 sets @ 80-90% effort… no time cap, next piece starts @ 15:00 on timer
200m med ball run
7 wall climbs – OR – 20 hrpu
10 med ball cleans
Rest to 15:00, then B
B. 3 sets @ 80-90% effort… no time cap
250m row/ski
3 rope climbs – OR – 4 floor to standing + 4 k2e
10 reverse lunge wall balls, total reps, alternate legs
C. post WOD recovery

Day 3
WOD 210630

Warm-up – Coach’s Choice

On a continuous running clock of 30:00… complete the following workload
A. @ 0:00… 1 set @ 80-90% effort
200m overhead plate carry… load is athlete’s choice
1:00 SB (R)
1:00 SB (L)
1:00 FLR
B. @ 10:00… 1 set @ 80-90% effort
200m farmer’s carry… load is athlete’s choice
1:00 wall sit
1:00 inversion hold – OR – FLR
1:00 bar hang – OR – straight arm support in rings
C. @ 20:00… 1 set @ 80-90% effort
400m sandbag/med ball carry
1:00 overhead plate hold
1:00 farmer’s carry hold
1:00 SB (R)
1:00 SB (L)
1:00 FLR
D. post WOD recovery

Day 4
WOD 210701
Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD

A. 15 x 20sec bursts (row/ski/bike erg)… rest 1:10 b/t sets

Day 5
WOD 210702

Warm-up – Coach’s Choice

RedShed Test 2
A. Complete workload for time (partitioning not allowed)
1000m row
75 hang power snatch
75 wall balls
1000m run
50 burpees

Level 1 – W25, M45… 10#/14# to 9’
Level 2 – W45, M65… 12# to 9’, 16# to 10’
Level 3 – W55, M75… 14# to 9’, 20# to 10’
B. post WOD recovery

Day 6
WOD 210703

WOD – Coach’s Choice

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