Day 1
WOD 211108
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 1 set every 3min, x 5… barbell loads should allow for unbroken reps for as many sets as possible
250m row
12 lunges… no load
7 barbell strict press
Rest 5min after 5th set, then B
B. Complete workload @ 80-90% effort, not for time… starting barbell load nte 225/155… 15:00 cap
15. 12. 9. 6. 3.
High box jumps w/step-down
Strict pull-ups/ring row
(30sec FLR @ dots)
*add 10# – 20# to deadlift each set
C. post WOD recovery
Day 2
WOD 211109
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. AMRAP 4:00 @ 90% effort
12 kb swings… nte 24kg/16kg
25 double unders / 50 singles
Rest 2min, then A2
A2. AMRAP 4:00 @ 90% effort
9 barbell thrusters… nte 95/65
9 bar-facing burpees
Rest 2min, then back to A1, x 3
B. post WOD recovery
Day 3
WOD 211110
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Complete workload @ 80-90% effort, not for time
10. 8. 6. 4. 2. – Goblet Squats
10 med ball step-ups + 15 strict push-ups + 20 abmat sit-ups @ dots
Rest to 15:00 on timer, then B
B1. AMRAP 1:00 – wall balls… rest 1min, then B2
B2. AMRAP 1:00 – burpee pull-ups… rest 1min, then B3
B3. AMRAP 1:00 – calories on apparatus of choice… rest 1min, then B4
B4. AMRAP 1:00 – t2b… rest 2min, then back to B1, x 2
C. post WOD recovery
Day 4
WOD 211111
Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD
A. Complete workload @ 90% aerobic effort… apparatus is athlete’s choice
5:00 work… 2:30 rest*
4:00 work… 2:00 rest
3:00 work… 1:30 res
2:00 work… 1:00 rest
1:00 work… no more intervals
*rest = active recovery… easy spin to keep monitor on
Day 5
WOD 211112
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Complete workload for time… barbells nte 95/65
Barbell thrusters
Bar-facing burpees
B. post WOD recovery
Day 6
WOD 211113
WOD – Coach’s Choice