Day 1
WOD 211206
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 6 deadlifts… rest to top of minute, then A2
A2. 5 ring rows @ 3333 tempo… rest to 4:00, then back to A1, x 4
Rest additional 3min after 4th set, then B
B. AMRAP 13:00 @ 90% effort
12 push press… nte 95/65
9 front squats
50 double unders/100 singles
C. post WOD recovery
Day 2
WOD 211207
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. 1 set every 3:00, x 5… build db load each set
20sec sprint – row/bike/ski
2 db power snatch
10 burpees over db, lateral hops or step overs
Rest additional 3min after 5th set, then B
B. 5 sets @ 90% effort… capped @ 12:00
10 sdhp… nte 95/65
10 ring dips
30 air squats
C. post WOD recovery
Day 3
WOD 211208
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. @ 0:00… 3 sets @ 90% effort
9 db thrusters… nte 45/25
9 pull-ups
B. @ 7:00… 3 sets @ 90% effort
12 wall balls
6 bar muscle-ups – OR – 6 burpee pull-ups
C. @ 14:00… 3 sets @ 90% effort
9cal row/ski
7 hang squat cleans… nte 75/55
D. @ 21:00… 1 set @ testing effort
9 db thrusters
9 pull-ups
12 wall balls
6 bar muscle-ups – OR – 6 burpee pull-ups
9cal row/ski
7 hang squat cleans
E. post WOD recovery
Day 4
WOD 211209
Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD
A. Complete workload on apparatus of choice… 90% aerobic effort
Set up monitor for single distance of 4000m/3500m…
Then execute the following work/rest pattern until total distance is completed
4:00 work, 2:00 rest
3:00 work, 1:00 rest
Day 5
WOD 211210
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. Complete workload @ 80-90% effort… barbell nte 155/105
12. 9. 6. 3.
Deadlifts + hang cleans + push jerks
@ the dots…
500m row/ski
15 bjsd/step-ups… nte 24”/20”
B. post WOD recovery
Day 6
WOD 211211
WOD – Coach’s Choice