Day 1
WOD 220725
Repeat WOD 220321
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. @ 0:00… 5 strict press
@ 2:00… 3 strict press
@ 4:00… 1 strict press
A2. @ 6:00… 5 push press
@ 8:00… 3 push press
@ 10:00… 1 push press
A3. @ 12:00… 5 jerks
@ 14:00… 3 jerks
@ 16:00… 1 jerk
Rest 4min, then B
B. 10:00 @ 90% effort
Max distance on apparatus of choice
@ 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00 execute 4 squat clean thrusters… nte 135/95
C. post WOD recovery
Day 2
WOD 220726
Repeat WOD 220322
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A1. 5 back squats… rest to top of the minute, then A2
A2. Pull-up cluster… 3. 3. 3. 3 – rest 10sec @ dots… rest to 3:30, then back to A1, x 3… build the squat accordingly
Rest additional 3:30 after 3rd set, then B
B. AMRAP 6:00 @ 90% effort
12 kb swings… nte 24kg/16kg
9 t2b
6 wall balls
Rest 4min, then C
C. AMRAP 6:00 @ 90% effort
6 bjsd… nte 30”
9 ring rows
12 single arm, alternating devil’s press… nte 50/35
D. post WOD recovery
Day 3
WOD 220727
Repeat WOD 220323
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
A. EMOM 8:00
1) 6 renegade rows
2) AMRAP 30sec – heavy goblet squats
Rest to 10:00, then B
B. EMOM 8:00
1) 8 dual dumbbell deadlifts
2) 5/5 single arm jerks
Rest to 20:00, then C
C. 1 set every 2:00, x 5
10sec Assault Bike sprints
D. post WOD recovery
Day 4
WOD 220728
Repeat WOD 220324
Aerobic Repeats + ROMWOD
A. Choose a distance and execute as many rounds as possible in 24:00 of the following format…
500m, 2:00 rest
400m, 1:30 rest
300m, 1:00 rest
Optional FBB for Open Gym
A1. 4 front squats @ 33X1 tempo… rest 30sec, then A2
A2. 8 ring face pulls w/2sec pause at top of each rep… rest 30sec, then A3
A3. 8/8 single leg db RDL… rest 30sec, then A4
A4. 8 loaded push-ups with 2sec pause at bottom and top of each rep… rest 30sec, then A5
A5. 60sec FLR… rest 30sec, then A6
A6. 8/8 half kneeling bottoms up kb press… rest 30sec, then A7
A7. 8 goblet good mornings… rest 2min, then back to A1, x 3
Day 5
WOD 220729
Repeat WOD 220325
Warm-up – Coach’s Choice
Aerobic Flow Friday!
A. EMOM 5:00… build your bar
1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 clean & jerk
Rest to 10:00, then B
B. AMRAP 20:00 @ 80% effort… barbells @ 100% of A
15cal – choice
9 pull-ups
7 wall balls
5 high box jumps
1 barbell complex
B. post WOD recovery
Day 6
WOD 220730
WOD – Coach’s Choice